easy to get lost with an almost infinite number of domain extensions like .com .org and so many more. Lets keep it simple, GET GOOD RESULTS & not make progress suffer at the hands of perfection eiher

easy to get lost with an almost infinite number of domain extensions like .com .org and so many more. Lets keep it simple, GET GOOD RESULTS & not make progress suffer at the hands of perfection eiher
Years back I setup a PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) to confirm the receipt of a payment or donation on a website. Fast forward 8 years, and we no longer use that process, which included a plugin and an IPN notification in our PayPal account. A quick google...
Elegant Themes, the creators of Divi Theme, Divi Builder and more has their yearly Black Friday contest at midnight Central Time (CST). You can enter here the contest to win a new Mac Book or great deals on Divi with a yearly subscription or a lifetime membership...
IOS 15 Notes crash problem https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253189302 There’s a thread here. I tried to reply there after logging in multiple times, but the Apple forum had bugs too! Through troubleshooting, I got this to work, but couldn’t share that back to the...
A close friend of mine turned one of their Facebook posts into a for sale item. It might or might not have been on purpose… Or at least the end result was sort of intended but not really in the way that Fb set things. Facebook auto set it such that people would ‘send...
After setting up a new corporation recently, I started receiving offers through the US Postal Service for some scammy looking offers. A quick google search in my state (North Carolina) turned up warnings from our local Attorney General. I deduced these are probably...
So you tried to move a domain name from Godaddy as the Registrar to Cloudflare to save at least $10 and maybe hundreds of dollars, but the Transfer Authorization Code Godaddy gave you doesn’t work, fails and you need to try again. The process is slightly different,...