
Server CPU Troubleshooting

This morning, actually since about 1 am this morning, we have been reviewing and troubleshooting what might possibly be running our CPU on our server past the tolerance points allowed by Inmotion Hosting.  We have no tools to identify any single domain name on...

A New Theme for Softduit

If you are stopping by recently, you may have noticed that we have a new theme here at Softduit. After our adventures cleaning out the hackers, we decided it was past due for a new look and feel here. This like all of our themes for ourselves is a step in that...

The BoonDoggle of SQL Injection Hacking Cleanup

Update - As I look back over this article from almost a year ago, it is amazing how many sql injection hacks I have had to clean up. Ā I believe I was somewhat fortunate in the early days because I use tough passwords and generally keep my sites updated with the latest...

Working with Graphic Design 26 in Urbandale, Iowa

This week Softduit Media is working with graphic designer Jennifer Slagle in Urbandale, Iowa (near Des Moines, IA) to migrate her website from a static Apple MobileMe platform to a WordPress as a CMS (content management system) setup. Jennifer runs the graphic design...

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