Guidance to a friend getting started in Graphic Design for the Web A friend recently asked for some job or career tips to work from home. I wanted to share this guidance to others. This is just one path, one option and definitely not the only one nor way to navigate...
Medical Provider Web Communications & Best Practices for Covid-19
I have website clients that are medical providers and they need to rapidly benchmark their communications to respond to Covid-19, aka Corona virus. This is a developing fact/best practice gathering of details to help + Guidance from Medicaid and BCBS pushing medical...
60+ Things You can do to keep safe & decrease the spread of COVID-19/Corona Virus
list to fight the spread of covid-19-hypothesis of things that will help. future step, review & edit those down the practical emphasizing the 80/20 rule. Then prioritize form most to least helpful aiming to pull out all the stops!
I can’t log into my google business email account
You will need to login to with the user name or google business email address ex. [email protected] and the password for that account. ~ If needed, hereās instructions on how to reset the password for that user...
My Zoho Books Emails & Invoices going to spam
My Zoho books emails and invoices were going to spam and not being seen by my clients! Here’s the fix.
Deleting redundant Twitter Lists
This week I was building up a few twitter lists for a local WordPress meetup group. Somehow I had the twitter app on my phone open and twitter on my browser going at the meetup at the same time looking at lists and....A few of the Twitter Lists were duplicated. I...
How can people subscribe to WordPress Post comments?
Recently a good friend of mine, book author and speaker and blogger of many many years, asked me a question about the subscription options on their WordPress site. Background My friend's name is Craig and he runs I have helped Craig with a few...