To Understand if a plugin can crash a WordPress site, we need to wrap our minds around plugin basics: Plugins can definitely crash an entire WordPress website, but Not all plugins are created equally. Some plugins only work inside the admin area of the system and have...
Artisteer Team Creates Themler – Great tools for Graphic Designers that do not code
Artisteer was one of our early favorites to help non-developers (people that do not code from scratch) learn how to build their own WordPress themes (also blogger templates, drupal, joomla themes and more). We loved em! We still do although our own agency uses other...
Scheduling Social Media Posts – What we are playing with this week
This week we are playing and working with a number of tools for different client projects. Ā Here are just a few that have come up this week that we are finding helpful. CoSchedule - Schedule blog posts in wordpress or social media posts to multiple networks in a...
Team Member Plugins – What we’re playing with
Update 2024 Its been 8 years since I wrote this quick article.Ā After writing it, the Simple Staff List plugin served very well on the site in question for many years. We replaced it in 2023 by configuring Advanced Custom Fields on the site.Ā This enabled us to...
30 WordPress Membership Plugins (Video)
Chris Lema’s presentation from WordCamp Sacramento just dropped on WordPress TV…
WordPress Article Publishes with digit in the hyperlink error
A client reached out to me this week after they noticed a problem with WordPress hyperlinks. Ā They published an article and instead of providing a hyperlink with something like http :// WordPress instead generated a hyperlink that looked...
11 Plugins / Services to Manage WordPress Updates Plugins & more
These are some of the most talked about WordPress site management plugins. Essentially, WordPress services or plugins or both that help WordPress web developers manage multiple installations of WordPress, keeping themes, plugins and WordPress installations up to date,...