- OpenTable Plugin
- Creating Food Menu pages that look awesome & include categories like Gluten Free, Range Free Chickens and more
- Conversion Tracking (for OpenTable) and other things on a site
The last 2 sections includes lots of demo & tutorial videos too!
Bonus – There’s a great video showing how to use Sumo.Me Image Sharer for social media too
Open Table Widget Pro
Basics of the Food and Drink Menu Plugin
Creating a Menu and New sections Food & Drink Menu Pro Plugin
Extra Details - How did I dig these up?
A forum post kicked me off on this journey.
Bryan C mentions the theory with no details in that forum
“Yes, using GA event tracking/goals based on the exit to open table system is the way to go. You could even program it in using AdWords conversion codes as well. If you are using the widget that allows users to select their dinner time, location, number of people, etc., that can be tracked into google analytics as well using the various event tracking parameters.”
How to Use Events as Goals reminded me of something I had seen in a plugin a while back (and hinted that a plugin would be easier).
Track Just About Anything with Google Analytics Click Tracking which talks about WP Google Analytics Events (free) and mentions the (Pro version) with a discount offer. See the section at the bottom of this post for more details
Support reps at OpenTable offered up an AdWords option, but I needed Google Analytics in this case as client is not using AdWords. They also pointed out a community forum of their own. On this topic, I could not find any threads that actually had received replies or guidance within the community at OpenTable.
Ironically, I did find one post by an OpenTable community manager written in 2015. A user responded to that post with a question, which per the logic of the forum, dubbed the question as a ‘Solution’ to the post. Irony.