So you want your WordPress website site to run a membership plugin or program!
Terrific! We can help make it easy for you by setting it up,
Pointing you in the right direction to perform some DIY magic!
If you want us to set it up, we’ll definitely want to understand your goals and current setup and system.
Contact us and let’s have an initial talk!
If you just want to get going yourself, we’ll share one of our preferred WordPress Membership Plugins. It works on a freemium model. So you can get started with the basics for free. Upgrades and add ons cost money.
The plugin is called S2 Members.
We use it on about 85% of the membership sites we work on. We have worked with others when special requirements or workflow were needed by our clients.
Quick example of what it takes to setup S2 Members
The system is constantly being improved, video may not match the exact current look and feel of the S2 member plugin today!
The system is constantly being improved, video may not match the exact current look and feel of the S2 member plugin today!
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