I received some templates from the maker’s of the Divi Theme, Elegant themes that is, to create resume pages on a WordPress website. I took a look at these resume page templates, and they seem to be a hybrid of a resume and a portfolio page targeted towards people that have a visual portfolio of either webpages or photography or graphic design or something similar.
This makes sense, in terms of identifying a target market that might be interested in such a thing. My impression, possibly dated, is that the rest of the business world is still using a lot of text only resumes. It also seems to be relatively limiting.
Should there be WordPress resume templates for regular business people?  Probably.  I took a first step at adapting one of these as such.
Unanswered Questions
I plan to work with these more. I need to create 2-3 different resumes targeting different positions. I anticipate taking each of my Microsoft Word Resumes and running them through a different WordPress/Divi layout and treatment. All of this does raise more questions in my own mind about putting a resume on a website in general.
Is a resume template even something a normal business person, a person that works a salary job as an executive or an hourly position in an office,… Is this something it business person would be interested in?  I do not know, what are your thoughts?
I do not know the answer to these questions yet. Today I’m• going to play with those templates as I am in the midst of updating my own portfolio and working on my resume to.

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