Some cool, useful, interesting items that we are filing away for later…

Things We researched for clients

Things we are studying for our own business

  • How much does a WordPress site really cost?
  • Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert – Old article
  • Website Architecture Presentation from Web Strategy Workshops
    • Ever jump into a new field super super early and develop a specialty and then 5 years later realize someone came up for a job title for what you do?  🙂 That’s what happened with me. I’m a WordPress Architect!
  • 5 Actionable Talks from Conversion Experts
  • Dragon Anywhere – Ages ago when we Softduit primarily functioned as a Buzz Marketing company we did a great deal of work covering Dragon Naturally Speaking and getting the word out about voice recognition and how it could help writers and bloggers do more, do it faster, do it well and maybe even save their hands and wrists from repetitive stress injuries. Dragon Anywhere is a new service that is moving Nuance’s Dragon and Dictate software away from the ‘Software’ sales business and into the service and subscription business. Frankly, the yearly software updates are getting tedious. A subscription plan makes a lot more sense. We are still studying it.  Disclosure – We ran a large marketing program for Nuance about 6 years ago. They were a client then, but not now.
  • Artisteer’s new offerings -> Now Receive TWO Products for the Price of One Themler (We’ve worked with this company too! )

Cool things My son thinks I should buy

InstantPot Recipes – Its not all software coding and tech here. I love my InstantPot! Makes great food and easy and quick too! (helps me be more efficient to get more done as well)

~ Side note, I usually cook things like shrimp and curry chicken and things in my InstantPot. There’s probably a reason why these deserts were still in my open tabs… I haven’t made any of these yet, but do plan on it one day!

~~InstantPots sold like crazy on Amazon this month with their christmas in july thing. hundreds of thousands of these things sold in one day!

Great Place to get inexpensive Auto Parts

  • – The AC on my Suburu went out this summer, and a neighbor at the pool tipped me off about this great place that offers auto parts at prices far lower than the local Autozones and things.
  • Recharging Car Air Conditioning – I am no auto AC expert, but it is amazing what you can learn online.  THIS was super helpful as well to educate me enough about the system to make an informed decision about what I might be able to do myself VS what I might need to hire a pro to do.  A little knowledge can be dangerous. Complete knowledge can be helpful!
  • Replacing the Cabin Filter video

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