Today, I performed some quick updates for a client to speed the indexing of a new article after a slight hiatus in their blogging efforts.

Some times when we dust off a system, it can highlights the need for many little updates.
In this case, we needed to update several plugins, wordpress, a theme and more as the site wasn’t on a maintenance plan.

We had to replace a defunct sitemap generator plugin that had been in use since 2008.

Then when we went to publish the article, things didn’t index as fast as normal. This was partly due to the hiatus in new articles and partly due to the change in sitemap systems


Here’s a down and dirty summary of what some basic steps we did next…
Checking on the indexing status of an article on photo editing and then looking for opportunities to deep link that to older articles already indexed and cross promote for our visitors that might find the old article and want to find something more up-to-date in our blog. So first we published the new article, this order not necessarily ideal, checked to see if it was indexed, and noticed that a migration of the sitemap during a plugin upgrade had not included the resubmission of our new sitemap system/structure. So we re-submitted our new sitemaps. Then submitted the url for indexing. Then edited an old article, deep linked it to the new article.

We edited that old article to clean up a couple broken links (source articles had changed their own url scheme so we found the same article and its updated link and corrected/improved/updated our article too. Then we resubmitted our old article from 2016 for reindexing to help google see our article and also the new/corrected locations of our sources and also the new internal link.

If you want to try this yourself for your own site, Go to and select your (previously submitted and claimed website), then enter your own blog post link to see if its been indexed. If you have not previously claimed your own site on Search Console that’s a deeper process and maybe you’ll want to hire some help for that or prepare to jump into a steeper research and learning curve.

Tip! Google’s Site Kit Plugin for WordPress users does make quite a bit of the initial connection to google analytics, google search console, google adwords far easier than the old days.

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