This week we are playing and working with a number of tools for different client projects. Here are just a few that have come up this week that we are finding helpful.
CoSchedule – Schedule blog posts in wordpress or social media posts to multiple networks in a calendar, insuring that you have a schedule, don’t miss a day and don’t bunch up activity accidentally.
CoSchedule Pricing starts at about $15/mo for sharing 3rd party blog articles (articles someone else has written) to your facebook page or twitter page and when someone clicks on the article, they will see the original article but there will be a little button hovering over the article at the bottom that can take them back to your website and includes a conversion button and hyperlink that you can control. There is a free trial and a hidden free level account but in general this will cost most people a monthly fee. I will add that it is SIMPLE to sign up for this service via Facebook or Twitter, so easy your head will spin! 🙂

There is another company that does something similar, might be a competitor called This has a lower price point, but seems targeted more at personalities (internet celebrities or gurus maybe ) and maybe not so much for businesses.
Plus, we were also looking into ways to setup event tracking for phone numbers included on a website, when the tel:555-555-5555 is used in the html, the phone number becomes clickable, but that doesn’t let you track it, ergo know how many people have looked at your site on their mobile phone and then touched the phone number in order to call you. If we use a unique phone number that is only displayed on the website that might help us track incoming calls, similarly some VOIP services or even Google Adwords can assist here via google voice technology to route or forward calls from the number that is shown to the real number, but if you just want to capture the clicks this is a good place to start
We are also digging into Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP). This seems like one of those old is new concepts that Google is now pushing.
Yoast of Yoast SEO fame put together a good article here.
There are a few plugins already in the wild to make this easy, although see the Yoast article as it talks about scenarios to consider
AMP – by Automatic the company behind WordPress – Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your WordPress site.
Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP – (This works with AMP above to improve the SEO after turning AMP on which reduces the SEO) – This plugin makes sure the default WordPress AMP plugin uses the proper Yoast SEO metadata.
Then there is an alternative to the AMP plugin above…
Facebook Instant Articles & Google AMP Pages by PageFrog – Easily publish and manage your content directly from WordPress to Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP Pages with support for ads and analytics.
CoSchedule – Schedule blog posts in wordpress or social media posts to multiple networks in a calendar, insuring that you have a schedule, don’t miss a day and don’t bunch up activity accidentally.
CoSchedule Pricing starts at about $15/mo for sharing 3rd party blog articles (articles someone else has written) to your facebook page or twitter page and when someone clicks on the article, they will see the original article but there will be a little button hovering over the article at the bottom that can take them back to your website and includes a conversion button and hyperlink that you can control. There is a free trial and a hidden free level account but in general this will cost most people a monthly fee. I will add that it is SIMPLE to sign up for this service via Facebook or Twitter, so easy your head will spin! 🙂

There is another company that does something similar, might be a competitor called This has a lower price point, but seems targeted more at personalities (internet celebrities or gurus maybe ) and maybe not so much for businesses.
Plus, we were also looking into ways to setup event tracking for phone numbers included on a website, when the tel:555-555-5555 is used in the html, the phone number becomes clickable, but that doesn’t let you track it, ergo know how many people have looked at your site on their mobile phone and then touched the phone number in order to call you. If we use a unique phone number that is only displayed on the website that might help us track incoming calls, similarly some VOIP services or even Google Adwords can assist here via google voice technology to route or forward calls from the number that is shown to the real number, but if you just want to capture the clicks this is a good place to start
We are also digging into Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP). This seems like one of those old is new concepts that Google is now pushing.
Yoast of Yoast SEO fame put together a good article here.
There are a few plugins already in the wild to make this easy, although see the Yoast article as it talks about scenarios to consider
AMP – by Automatic the company behind WordPress – Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your WordPress site.
Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP – (This works with AMP above to improve the SEO after turning AMP on which reduces the SEO) – This plugin makes sure the default WordPress AMP plugin uses the proper Yoast SEO metadata.
Then there is an alternative to the AMP plugin above…
Facebook Instant Articles & Google AMP Pages by PageFrog – Easily publish and manage your content directly from WordPress to Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP Pages with support for ads and analytics.
*no credit card required for free trial, just name, email, make a password and GO!