Rebooting Faded Blog Content – Tweet Old Post hack – Ep 24 – The ZetaMining Show
In this episode +Warren Whitlock and +Brett Bumeter talk about recycling old content and tips for engaging people on twitter with that old content.  Evergreen is the word!
#fadedblog #evergreen  #evergreencontent  #twitter  #tweet #contentstrategy  #contentmarketing  #engagement
Revive Old Post (aka Tweet Old Post Pro)
Tweet Old Post Pro is now called Revive Old Post. It is the tool I referenced in this video with Warren once upon a time. It has gone through some serious upgrades since then!
Competitor: CoSchedule –Â big differences 1) offers an editorial and social media calendar. 2) Higher average monthly cost (usually charges monthly instead of yearly)Â ~ In depth review of CoSchedule here
Competitor: CoSchedule –Â big differences 1) offers an editorial and social media calendar. 2) Higher average monthly cost (usually charges monthly instead of yearly)Â ~ In depth review of CoSchedule here
Revive Old Post Promotional Video
This video is a demo I created of the OLD OLD version of Tweet Old Post back in 2014. I’m sharing this here to help you see just how much this technology has evolved, where it came from and help point out that the developers behind this are serious and doing great things to evolve the technology.
This is not some temporary, short term technology. It is serious and seriously useful!
This is not some temporary, short term technology. It is serious and seriously useful!