WordPress Search Engine Visibility in MySQL PHPMyAdmin

WordPress Search Engine Visibility in MySQL PHPMyAdmin

How do I turn Search Engine Visibility on in MySQL or PHPMyAdmin? I’ve been working with WordPress for 13 years. I hadn’t needed to do this until today. It’s easy if you are comfortable with PHPMyAdmin and MySQL. If not, maybe get help from someone...

Updated Roadmap for WordPress in 2019| WordPress.org

Joost De Valk, the founder of Yoast aka the WordPress SEO plugin and NEW head of Marketing for WordPress’ Automatic, has updated the 2019 Roadmap for WordPress. Now that Gutenberg, the codename for WordPress update 5.x, has successfully launched, phase 2 of the...
Testing a Gravity Form to Conversational app converter

Testing a Gravity Form to Conversational app converter

Having a little fun testing out a tool (Free on repository and Pro versions) that converts Gravity Forms forms into a conversation experience, sort of like AI but more of a chat bot. The key here is converting complex gravity forms into a better experience to increase...

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