While flying to New Media Expo in early January, I read an article in FeedFront Magazine by Dave Taylor called “The Importance of Content Popularity Google”. Dave talks about how Google’s Panda and Penguin updates and change landscape of the Internet.
I was inspired to come away away with two action items that I’m working on tonight.
Updated many years later… I have used TechSmith products like Camtasia for over a decade and Snagit as well.
Setup Subscribe Buttons in My Video Editor & Add Anotations over this button in YouTube
The first being that I’m setting up my templates and Camtasia Studio 8, a screencast recorder and video editor. Setting up these templates such that they will include a subscribe button at the end of each video that I produce. This button will initially simply offer an invitation. Camtasia cannot add an actual link in the video before it is uploaded to YouTube. However, after I upload the videos to YouTube, I can then add an annotation within YouTube that directly links to the subscribe button.
Add Calls to Action to Encourage people to Share those Videos to Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin etc.
In addition to adding a subscribe invitation to my videos, I will also add an annotation that encourages viewers to share my YouTube video through Twitter and Facebook. This annotation will not have a hyperlink on it as YouTube does not allow very many external hyperlinks only internal linking within YouTube and a few exceptions. Regardless, I hope the call to action will help increase the amount of sharing on the video itself!