Don’t get scared, just be practical.  Most of us are not A-List movie starlets that might be the targets of hackers and the paparazzi.
That doesn’t mean that we should assume that we might not be the (initial) target of hackers.  Millions of user id and passwords have been breached over the last couple years.  Many of those same passwords are used with similar emails or IDs on popular services, like iCloud or WordPress or on a hosting account server.
Just because you do not know Jennifer Lawrence, doesn’t mean that you haven’t been sharing iCloud with her and with some of the scripts that have reportedly been used, a user id and password like yours might have given hackers partial access to the iCloud server such that they could then blast their way further in to find what they were really looking for.
In today’s episode we talk about some of the different trends that are shaping the world we live in and areas where we can tighten up our own defenses to protect our online lives, our privacy, our kids, our bank accounts and our social media profiles.
some of the topics we might cover
password security tips
What is a hard password
Different passwords for different accounts, especially cloud accounts
password managers and two factor authentication
should you snap that picture (yes or no) its not just about sexy pictures but when is it inappropriate to take a picture that you ’think’ no one will ever see
While the world is not completely falling apart, there are several wars taking place, and many hackers, political groups, maybe even state actors trying to hack into a number of different places online from banks to iCloud to social media sites and more.
A person may not feel like a target, but sometimes we are not the target just the means that allows someone to get to the target
Balancing safety and security without becoming paranoid

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